National Honor Society » National Honor Society

National Honor Society

The first step toward becoming an honor society member is that a student must achieve a minimum cumulative average of 3.4/ 87% over the first two years at the high school and be in the top 20% of their class. Having attained this average does not mean that the student is automatically a member. The honor society member must meet and maintain four criteria; scholarship is just one. It is, however, the one that earns the student the initial invitation to the informational meeting.
The other pillars are service, leadership, and character. In late fall of the school year, junior and senior students who meet the academic requirements for membership are informed by letter or email and are invited to attend an informational meeting. The expectation is that incoming juniors accumulate thirty (30) documented hours of service (10 hours per quarter) after their acceptance into the society and forty (40 – 10 hours per quarter) for the senior year for a total of seventy (70) documented hours over the two years. Incoming seniors must present thirty (30) documented hours once they are accepted for membership.
The further expectations are that the student continues to maintain the required academic average, perform in leadership roles, and experience no character infractions all the while being a stellar role model in the school and community.