Thanks to Khadijah Hilmy (class of 2025) for orchestrating a meaningful Better World Day at TGS

Dear Greene School leaders, 

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to express my profound gratitude and appreciation for the remarkable Better World Day experience that Khadijah orchestrated. It was a day filled with meaningful interactions, insightful observations, and a palpable sense of community that Laura and I found deeply inspiring.

Khadijah's meticulous attention to detail shone through in every aspect of the day. We had the privilege of exploring various classrooms, engaging with diverse groups of teachers and students, and strolling through your stunning campus. The friendly and kind atmosphere was immediately noticeable, creating a welcoming environment where thoughtfulness and care were evident in every corner.

We were particularly impressed by how well-prepared the students were and how seamlessly the values of nature conservation and caring for the earth were integrated into the school's ethos. As professionals who specialize in crafting events and experiences, Laura and I were thrilled by the depth and breadth of the activities, especially the opportunity to walk a trail, plant blueberry bushes, hear a student panel outside, and visit the Wellness Yurt.

The day concluded perfectly with a debrief and visioning session for the future, which underscored the thoughtful planning and execution of the entire event. We are grateful to Khadijah and the skillful educators who collaborated to make this experience not only educational but also profoundly uplifting.

Thank you once again for this wonderful opportunity. It was truly a day to remember, and we look forward to seeing how the initiatives we observed continue to grow and evolve.


Jessica Wood

Director of Experiential Marketing